Industrial Lenses

OPT > Product > Industrial Lenses > Hawk Series Line Scan Lenses

Hawk Series Line Scan Lenses


  • High resolution
High resolution optical design; Ø63 mm image circle[1],compatible with (16k)3.5 μm, (12k)5 μm, and (8k)7 μm line scan cameras
  • Low distortion
Total distortion < 0.22%[2], Min. distortion as low as 0.005%
  • High uniformity
High relative illumination across the entire image with low vignetting
  • Wide magnification range
0.02X - 2.1X
[1]Up to 126 mm image ciecle for OPT-VHK116/8.6-2.0X 

[2]Distortion at primary magnification

Specification Explanation
1.Working Distance (WD): The distance from the front of the lens to the object.
 2.Aperture F/#: The actual working F/# of the telecentric lens.
 3.Depth of Field: For a telecentric lens, the depth of field is estimated using the following formula:
 F/#: The actual working F-number of the lens.
 P: Sensor pixel size (5.5 μm for this calculation).
 β: Lens magnification.
 k: Dimensionless parameter based on the application; for measurement applications, k = 0.008 is used, but 0.015 can also be considered for calculation.
 The depth of field at the nominal edge can still be used for measurement, but to achieve a clearer image, it is recommended to use half of the nominal depth of field.
 5.Interchangeable Interface Accessories: Lenses marked with an asterisk (*) support the following optional interfaces:
OPT-RNxxxxxx-xxx-xxx287M42: Optional interfaces: M58, F-mount.
OPT-RNxxxxxx-xxx-xxx432M58: Optional interfaces: M42, M58, F-mount.
OPT-RNxxxxxx-xxx-xxx620M72: Optional interfaces: M42, M58, F-mount, M72.
OPT-RNxxxxxx-xxx-xxx820M90: Optional interfaces: M72, M90, M95.

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