Series D1
- One-click auto-tuning simplifies setup configuration and installation.
- Multiple interfaces (Ethernet, Serial, I/O) ensure smooth communication.
- A high-brightness LED aimer ensures accurate targeting and faster debugging.
- AI-powered OCR machine learning algorithm recognizes over 7,000 Chinese and English characters.
- High-speed autofocus ensures quick response and sharp imaging across various working distances and dynamic scenes.
- High-sensitivity image sensor with rapid response to light changes, enabling clear recognition even in low-light environments.
- Supports TCP, UDP, Serial, Ethernet/IP, Modbus, Profinet, FTP, HTTP, MC, Fins, and more transmission protocols easy system integration.
- Durable industrial-grade casing design, capable of withstanding high temperatures, low temperatures, dust, moisture, and other harsh environments, meeting the demanding requirements of industrial applications.
- Built-in Machine Learning Code Reading Algorithm – Efficiently reads all types of barcodes and QR codes, even when dirty, damaged, or low-contrast, with precise recognition of curved and high-density DPM codes.
- The light source can be controlled separately in different areas to adapt to various lighting environments. They can be used with polarizers, diffusers, and light sources of different colors to achieve optimal imaging results.
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